Governance System

Governance System

Elica S.p.A. has adhered to the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana ( Italian Stock Exchange) since 30 October 2020, thus adopting a Corporate Governance system which is in line with national and international best practices .

The company has implemented a traditional administration and control model: corporate management is performed by a Board of Directors in cooperation with an Internal Board Committee which is in charge of Appointment and Remuneration , Control, Risk and Sustainability matters’.

Board of Directors

Francesco Casoli

The art of knowing how to listen and choose people: therein lies the secret to the perfect inspiration driving this company every day.
With a vision made up of delegation, passion, talent and invention.

Francesco Casoli

Executive Chairman

His professional career as entrepreneur began at a very young age when he joined the family business following the loss of his father Ermanno.

He started to hold the position of CEO in Elica in 1990 and has been Chairman since 2006.

Between 2005 and 2006, he also held the position of Chairman at Assindustria in the province of Ancona.

From 2006 to 2013 was also Senator of the Italian Republic.

From 2019 to 2023 he served as Chairman of AIDAF (Italian Family Business Association). 

Among others, he holds the following positions as:

  • Vice Chairman and Director of the Ermanno Casoli Foundation;
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Fileni Alimentare S.p.a.

He was awarded the title of ‘Cavaliere del Lavoro’ (Order of Merit for Labour) by the president of the Italian Republic in 2017.

A fond cultivator of art, he promoted the International Prize for Contemporary Art ‘Ermanno Casoli’ in 1998, dedicated to the memory of his late father, which gave rise to the homonymous foundation in 2007 that promotes contemporary art and other cultural activities of artistic, musical and literary nature.

Giulio Cocci

Giulio Cocci

Chief Executive Officer

Obtains a degree in Business and Economics at the Giorgio Fuà faculty of the Polytechnic University of the Marche.

After having held the position of Group Chief Financial Officer at Elica, he was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in March 2021.

During his professional career marked by 20 years of international experience in complex multinational companies as Group CFO, Corporate Controller, IR, he has gained a wide knowledge of operational and commercial processes, restructuring and turnaround acquired through positions of increasing responsibility held in the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Russia.

From 2009 to 2011 he was CFO & Back Office Manager in Spain at Indesit, the group where he covered the role of CFO Turkey in the following 2 years. Furthermore, he held the position of Regional Finance Director East Europe at Indesit until 2014. In the same year he joined Whirlpool as CFO Russian Federation & CIS till 2017.

Elio Cosimo Catania

Elio Cosimo Catania

Independent Director and Committee Member

Obtains a degree in Engineering at the University of La Sapienza in Rome, and then a Master Degree in Management Science at the ‘Sloan Fellow School’ of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston.

Presides as chairman at Quid S.p.a. and is member of the Assonime Committee for US-Italian Relations and of the Management Board of the ASPHI Onlus Foundation.

An important part of his professional career was spent at IBM, where he covered key positions as Chairman and CEO of IBM in Latin America, South Europe and Italy and sat as a Member of the Global Management Council. He has occupied further positions as Chairman and CEO of the Italian State Railways, Milan Transport Company (ATM) and Deputy Vice- Chairman of Alitalia; furthermore, he was Chairman of Confindustria Digitale and Vice-Chairman of CNEL. He was a member of the Board of Directors at Luiss, BNL, Intesa San Paolo and Telecom Italia.

He was also an advisor to the Minister of Agriculture.

In 2001 he was awarded the title of ‘Cavaliere del Lavoro’ (Order of Merit for Labour) by the President of the Italian Republic.

Angelo Catapano

Angelo Catapano

Independent Director and Committee Member

Graduates with cum laude (with distinction) in Business and Economics at the Federico II University in Naples, and obtains a Master degree in Business Administration at the Company Management School (SDA) of Bocconi University.

Senior Partner and Co-Founder of Itaca Equity, an investment company launched by Sergio Iasi, Massimo Lucchini and Tamburi Investment Partners, which has the participation of forty-two Italian Family Offices, that financially support companies in difficulty through capitalisation and/or strategic repositioning.

During his professional career marked by 30 years’ experience in financial and strategic consulting, he has held positions as Entrepreneur and Founder, Executive Manager and Senior Advisor at Long Term Partners and financial consultancy companies dealing with M&A and Private Equity (principally Medinvest S.p.a.), holding positions also in financial companies and Private Equity Funds (Medinvest International S.c.a. and Fondo Progressio II).

He has also held positions in Industrial groups such as Gruppo Ferruzzi/Montedison, Gruppo Enimont and SIR group, at the onset of his professional career.

Susanna Zucchelli

Susanna Zucchelli

Independent Director and Chairman of the Committee

Susanna has been with Hera since 2006, until 2013 where she has held senior positions in various group companies. She is currently Director of the Water sector, and her role entails the management of networks and plants for integrated water service throughout Hera spa's territory; she is also Diversity Manager of Hera Group, with the aim of developing and consolidating policies on equality in the workplace, equal opportunities and fostering diversity.

Susanna has gained significant experience in numerous companies through her past work experiences: from 2002 to 2006, she was CEO of Geasar S.p.A., Costa Smeralda Airport Management Company, inaugurating the new air terminal, highly boosting tourist, commercial and cultural development of the area; from 1996 to 2002, she was Sales and Marketing Director of Save S.p.A., Marco Polo Venice Airport; from 1992 to 1996, she was Marketing and Communication Manager of Marconi Bologna Airport S.p.A.

Susanna was Chairman of Promobologna and an independent director of the Boards of Directors of Interporto Bologna S.p.A., BolognaFiere S.p.A. and SEA S.p. A - Milan Airports.

She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Valsoia S.p.A. and Elica S.p.A.

She is a D-value councilor, member of the ANCE Emilia Presidential Council and coordinator of the Bellisario Emilia-Romagna Foundation. Since 2021, she has been a councilor of the Emilia-Romagna Committee of the AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research.

She has also held various positions with numerous Italian and European associations.

In 2005, she published “Un’ ora sola io vorrei, manuale per riprendersi il tempo che c’è” with Cinzia Sasso , ed. Sperling and Kupfer.

After graduating from the University of Bologna with a degree in Modern Languages, she specialized in marketing, sales and business management, also earning a Master's degree in Business Administration.

Alice Acciarri

Alice Acciarri

Independent Director, Committee Member and Leader Independent Director

Graduated in Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication at Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, she boasts twenty years of experience in e-commerce, digital and fashion.

She has been General Manager of eBay Italy. She has led the global marketplace in one of the top five markets in the world, introducing numerous innovations in the business and marketing approach, through the “The Marketplace of Passions” strategy.
During her tenure, she has supported the digitalisation of small and medium-sized Italian businesses with several projects, through easier access to the eBay global platform and learning paths to scale the marketplace.
Under her leadership, eBay became Title Sponsor of the Italian Women's Serie A, Jersey Sponsor of FC Internazionale Milano and Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli and finally Main Sponsor of the VR46 MotoGP Racing Team.

She has been Vice-President EMEA of Women@eBay, the Community of Inclusion that aims to promote gender equality within eBay and throughout the whole community that revolves around the marketplace. In this role, she promoted various inclusion, learning and mentoring activities at eBay and with institutional partners such as Bocconi University, Unioncamere and SheTech.
In 2021 she participated in the Women20 Summit in Rome as a speaker in the "Women in Action in the Digital Transformation" panel.

Previously, she has led the online and omnichannel business globally for Bottega Veneta and in 2016 she launched in Italy Vestiaire Collective, an innovative French marketplace, introducing the sharing economy for clothing and fashion accessories to the Italian market.
Again, within the e-commerce and digital space, she also have gained experience at Yoox Net-a-Porter Group and at RCS Pubblicità.

Raised in Pesaro, in 2023 she received the Premio Città di Pesaro "for the brilliant international role played, an expression of high professionalism and modernity".
In 2022 she was included by Forbes among the "100 Donne italiane di successo" and by Fortune among the "50 Most Powerful Women 2022".

Cristina Casoli

Cristina Casoli

Director and Committee Member

Born in Senigallia, Cristina Casoli spent her formative years in Fabriano, the city where in 1970 her father Ermanno founded Elica S.p.A., a company that has become a world leader in the production of hoods for domestic use.

She attended the Business Management school at the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan.

In 2007 she strongly supported the birth of the Ermanno Casoli Foundation (FEC), dedicated to her father who passed away prematurely, actively participating as its main advisor.

In 2016 she became President, continuing with determination to support the main objective of the FEC, namely the contamination between contemporary art and the business world, guided by passion and understanding of the value of culture as a driver of socio-economic development and by love for the family business.

Board of Statutory Auditors

Giovanni Frezzotti

Giovanni Frezzotti


Registered with the national Registrar of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts in Ancona since 1965 as well as with the Registrar of Statutory Auditors.

He has occupied and still holds the position as Board Director, Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors or Acting Auditor and member of the Supervisory Boards of banking, financial, industrial and real estate firms. Furthermore, he practises exclusively as a full time Public Accountant.

During his professional career, he has covered ever-increasing roles of responsibility: from 1976 to 1994 was Councilor of the Association of Chartered Accountants for the districts of the Courts of Ancona and Camerino; Acting Auditor from 1976 al 1985 and Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of the Banca Popolare of Ancona S.p.A. from 1985 to 1998; from 1994 to 2013, Acting Auditor of Centrobanca S.p.A., incorporated into UBI BANCA S.p.A. in 2013; from 2014 to 2017, Administrator of Banca Popolare of Ancona S.p.A., incorporated into UBI BANCA S.p.A. in 2017.

Simona Romagnoli

Simona Romagnoli

Acting statutory auditor

Obtains a degree in Business and Economics at the University of Ancona in 1996; she has been registered with the National Registrar of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts in Ancona since 2000. She has been registered with the Auditor Registrars since 2001, and in the same year was included in the Court-appointed Expert Witness List (CTU) and in the National Registrar of Penal Experts at the Court of Ancona.

Appointed by the Court of Ancona as official receiver and trustee in bankruptcy, she specialises in the management of bankruptcy proceedings.

Was appointed by the Court of Ancona as liquidator of an important company with headquarters in the province of Ascoli Piceno, dealing with industrial management for the sale of operating companies. Sits as member of various Statutory Auditor Boards and is member of the Board of Directors of a local cooperative credit bank. Member of the steering committee of ‘Centro Studio di Diritto Fallimentare’ (Legal Studio on bankruptcy law), acting as Treasurer.

Paolo messinissa

Paolo Massinissa Magini

Acting statutory auditor

Graduated in economics and commerce from the University of Ancona on 10/25/1985.

Qualified to practice the profession of Chartered Accountant since 1988.
Auditor with Ministerial Decree 12 April 1995 published in the Official Journal no. 31/bis of 04.21.1995.

He followed various specialization courses:
Master in "Accounting Auditing" attended at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of Ancona organized by APRE;
Training course in "Administered Arbitration" attended at the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona;
Master in "Company Auditing" organized by the Koinos company in collaboration with the Order of Chartered Accountants of Ancona; Training courses on Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001 organized by Paradigma S.r.l.;
Training courses on Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001 organized by Synergia Formazione S.r.l.

He carries out corporate consultancy, legal auditing and corporate compliance activities with particular interest in the application of the Legislative Decree. 231/0.

He has held and holds positions as President and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors, as Statutory Auditor and as President of the Supervisory Body of various companies.



Presidente Esecutivo

The independent directors are such in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code and the TUF.

Annual reports