Elica Americas is a GPTW!
Elica Americas is a great place to work!
To have and to transmit the total energy, in HR means never give up, to convey to our colleagues of enthusiasm and motivation

Elica Americas is a great place to work!
To have and to transmit the total energy, in HR means never give up, to convey to our colleagues of enthusiasm and motivation. Since we have decided to participate in the GPTW from three years ago, these were the guidelines, and the message was clear from the beginning: we do not want a certificate for its prestige, we want a guide to what we are doing well to continue to do, so we are doing wrong to improve it. Most of all we want to know, is what they appreciate our partners and help them to feel part of the "energy" of Elica ..
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Dopo tre anni di sperimentazione in Italia, a novembre 2010 il progetto E-STRAORDINARIO è stato replicato in Polonia, coinvolgendo i nostri dipendenti della sede polacca, circa quaranta tra impiegati e operai del plant produttivo di Jelcz-Laskowice.