Elica for students
Elica Group Polska is now recruiting for traineeships and practices! In march company representatives will be searching young talents on the Job Fairs at the universities located in Wroclaw. Check where you can find us!

Elica Group Polska is now recruiting for traineeships and practices! In march company representatives will be searching young talents on the Job Fairs at the universities located in Wroclaw. Check where you can find us!
This year the offers for students and graduates of technical studies will be presented during two important events in Wroclaw. On the job fairs students will be able to discover interesting proposals of Elica fitted especially for them.
Despite a range of paid traineeships and summer practices in the departments such as Engineering, Maintenance, Production Management, Supply Chain and Quality, the company prepared additional offer. Students who are interested in writing their thesis based on the manufacturing subjects (lean manufacturing) are welcome to start cooperation with Elica! For details they need to contact company representatives on the Job Fairs. What is more, as usual for the visitors there are prepared interesting competitions with attractive prizes!
See you soon!
Academical Job Fairs
Wroclaw University of Technology
Date: 10 March 2015
Hours: 9.00 – 16.00
Place: Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 23-25, C-13, number 12 i 13 section K
XIX Job Fairs UE „Meeting with the employer”
Wroclaw University of Economics
Date: 18 March 2015
Hours: 10.00 – 15.00
Place: Wroclaw University of Economics, Komandorska 118/120
Altre News
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Entra su Employerland e mettiti alla prova nel building Elica.
Con l’arrivo della Primavera riparte il tour di Elica presso le principali università italiane e straniere, dove il team HR sarà presente per incontrare giovani neolaureati e far conoscere la realtà del nostro Gruppo
Nel 2014 Elica ha focalizzato la sua attenzione sui social media tra cui LinkedIn, il social dedicato ai network professionali e in soli otto mesi ha raggiunto l'importante risultato di 10.000 follower.
Elica ha ottenuto per il settimo anno consecutivo la certificazione Top Employers Italia e per la terza volta Top Employers Polska 2015, il prestigioso riconoscimento assegnato dal Top Employer Istitute ogni anno in tutto il mondo alle aziende che dimostrano di offrire eccellenti condizioni di lavoro ai propri dipendenti.
Fabrizio Crisà, Design Center Manager di Elica, racconterà la storia della nostra azienda durante il seminario "We design Air" il prossimo 19 Febbraio alle ore 18.30 presso l'Elisava- Università di Desgin e Ingegneria di Barcellona.