Career of an Engineer

Elica Group Polska in cooperation with the Technical University of Wroclaw invites students to a meeting "CAREER OF AN ENGINEER in the manufacturing sector," which will be held on May 13, 2014.

Elica Group Polska in cooperation with the Technical University of Wroclaw invites students to a meeting "CAREER OF AN ENGINEER in the manufacturing sector," which will be held on May 13, 2014 in hours. 13.00 - 15.00 

The purpose of the meeting is to provide students and graduates of the University of Technology various career opportunities in the Elica Group Polska. The meeting will be attended by HR and Engineering Manager.
During the meeting, You can get information about: 

  • The company and Elica Group 
  • Positions available in the company 
  • Career Paths (what are first professional experiences like, what can happen, possibilities to change the duties and responsibilities) 
  • What is worth paying attention during the studies (e.g., learning foreign languages, important items, practice / internships ...), to become an interesting candidate for the job in the future. 

Hope to meet You there! 
HR Team Elica Group Polska sp z o.o.


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