Elica Green
Elica is a company not only responsible social in generation employment and job quality colleagues, but now his vision has expanded and have designed a several strategies in order to be sustainable and committed with the environment and its surroundings.
Elica is a company not only responsible social in generation employment and job quality colleagues, but now his vision has expanded and have designed a several strategies in order to be sustainable and committed with the environment and its surroundings. Therefore, it was launched by the managers and executives of this important enterprise "Elica Green" project, which seeks to harmonize two processes previously thought was impossible: nature with industrial processes.
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Dopo tre anni di sperimentazione in Italia, a novembre 2010 il progetto E-STRAORDINARIO è stato replicato in Polonia, coinvolgendo i nostri dipendenti della sede polacca, circa quaranta tra impiegati e operai del plant produttivo di Jelcz-Laskowice.